Come finisce Interstellar?

Come finisce Interstellar?
Cooper e Brand, impossibilitati a tornare sulla Terra, decidono di ricorrere a una manovra nota come fionda gravitazionale. Il tutto attorno a un buco nero. Si lasciano inghiottire dal buco nero. ...
Quanto dura Inception film?
2h 28m Inception/Durata
In che epoca è ambientato Interstellar?
XXI secolo Il film è ambientato in un catastrofico XXI secolo, dove l'umanità, affamata e flagellata da incessanti tempeste di sabbia, si regge sul negazionismo. Durante una tempesta, Joseph Cooper (Matthew McConaughey), ex ingegnere della Nasa, e la figlia Murph (Mackenzie Foy) si imbattono in un curioso fenomeno fisico.
Is interstellar a good movie?
- Interstellar is not just good but an exceptional film which you could easily place in any top 10 of decade defining films of their decade. Its excellent in terms of being scientifically accurate and has a brilliant narrative and effective story-telling.
What is the plot of the movie Interstellar?
- The plot of the movie: Interstellar proposes a future similar to the dust bowl that struck the US between 19. "One of the worst ecological disasters of the twentieth century. A drought that affected the plains and prairies from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada.
What is the meaning of Interstellar movie?
- The Mystical Meanings of the Movie Interstellar. The film tells us that two people who love each other—in this case a father and a daughter—never lose that connection. Love, in both this film and in the teachings of all the great Faiths, is immortal, an everlasting force responsible for all of the attraction, gravity and coherence in the universe.
What is Interstellar movie about?
- Interstellar is a 2014 science fiction film about a team of astronauts who travel through a cosmic wormhole in search of a habitable planet as the Earth is ravaged by worldwide crop blights, dust storms and the atmosphere loses oxygen. Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here.