Dove riposa Tomas Milian?

Dove riposa Tomas Milian?

Dove riposa Tomas Milian?

cimitero del Verano In un'intervista aveva detto che avrebbe voluto farsi seppellire a Roma, al cimitero del Verano, vicino al suo amico Bombolo, invece le sue spoglie sono state cremate a Miami e le sue ceneri riposano a New York, vicino a quelle della moglie.

Che età aveva Tomas Milian?

84 anni Tomas Milian (Tomas Quintin Rodriguez) è un attore cubano, sceneggiatore, musicista, è nato il a L'Avana (Cuba) e muore il all'età di 84 anni a Miami, Florida (USA). Nel 1980 ha ricevuto il premio come miglior attore non protagonista al Nastri d'Argento per il film La luna.

What is Tomas Milian famous for?

  • Tomas Milian (born Tomás Quintín Rodríguez-Varona Milián Salinas de la Fé y Álvarez de la Campa; – ) was a Cuban-born Italian-American actor and singer, known for the emotional intensity and humour he brought to roles in European genre films .

Who is Milian Milián?

  • Milian was born in Havana as the son of a Cuban general. His father was arrested, jailed, and later committed suicide on Decem. Milián then decided to leave Cuba and pursue his wishes of being an actor.

What happened to Milian Pérez?

  • Milian was found dead from a stroke at his home in Miami on . On Octo he received the Leone in Memoriam award at the 7º Almería Western Film Festival. It was picked up by his friend Luis Santeiro.

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