Cosa successe durante l'inchiesta Mani Pulite?

Cosa successe durante l'inchiesta Mani Pulite?
L'arresto di Mario Chiesa e le prime inchieste Le vicende iniziarono lunedì 17 febbraio 1992 quando il pubblico ministero Antonio Di Pietro chiese e ottenne dal GIP Italo Ghitti un ordine di cattura per l'ingegner Mario Chiesa, presidente del Pio Albergo Trivulzio e membro di primo piano del PSI milanese.
Perché Di Pietro si è dimesso da magistrato?
Elezioni 2013 con Rivoluzione Civile e le dimissioni Nel 2013, in occasione delle elezioni politiche del 2013, decide di rinunciare a presentarsi con il suo partito per appoggiare la lista Rivoluzione Civile, guidata dal candidato premier ed ex magistrato Antonio Ingroia. Viene ricandidato per la Camera.
Che lavoro fa Di Pietro?
Politico Giudice Antonio Di Pietro/Professioni
Who is Antonio Di Pietro?
- Antonio Di Pietro ( Italian pronunciation: [anˈtɔːnjo di ˈpjɛːtro]; born 2 October 1950) is an Italian politician and lawyer. He was a minister in government of Romano Prodi, a Senator, and a Member of the European Parliament. He was a prosecutor in the Mani Pulite corruption trials in the early 1990s.
What are the names of the Mani pulite?
- Antonio Di Pietro. Gherardo Colombo. Piercamillo Davigo. Mani pulite (Italian: [ˈmaːni puˈliːte], Italian for "clean hands") was a nationwide judicial investigation into political corruption in Italy held in the 1990s, resulting in the demise of the so-called "First Republic" and the disappearance of many political parties.
Who is Didi Pietro?
- Di Pietro was born into a poor rural family from Montenero di Bisaccia, Molise, Italy. As a young man he travelled to Germany where he worked in a factory in the mornings and in a sawmill in the afternoons to pay for his studies. He graduated from night school in Italy with a degree in law in 1978 and became a police officer.
Why did di Pietro go to jail?
- Di Pietro came under investigation himself in 1997 for his activities both in the police and as a judge. It was later found that the main prosecutor handling Di Pietro's case, Fabio Salamone from Brescia, was the brother of a man that Di Pietro himself had prosecuted, and who had been sentenced to 18 months of jail for various corruption charges.