Come funziona il motore 1000 EcoBoost?

Come funziona il motore 1000 EcoBoost?
I motori Ford Ecoboost sfruttano la tecnologia della sovralimentazione mediante turbocompressore abbinata all'iniezione diretta per raggiungere elevati valori di coppia e potenza, con una riduzione delle emissioni rispetto ai propulsori aspirati di maggiore cilindrata.
Cos'è EcoBoost Hybrid?
Il motore EcoBoost Hybrid ha un motore elettrico a supporto del motore termico a benzina, che fornisce maggiore pontenza e riduce i consumi. La batteria al litio da 48 volt si ricarica attraverso la frenata rigenerativa, così non dovrai cercare una colonnina di ricarica.
What is the smallest Ford EcoBoost engine?
- The 999cc engine, the smallest and most advanced Ford EcoBoost engine, was awarded several times in the International Engine of Year Award as the Best Engine Under 1.0 L. It combines an ultra-low friction, high-efficient, and durable design which delivers power and performance allowed to rival a traditional 1.6-liter gasoline engine.
When did the Ford EcoBoost come out in the US?
- The 1.0 L EcoBoost engine was introduced to the American market with the 2014 Ford Fiesta sedan and hatchback. It was announced at the 2012 Los Angeles Auto Show, when the Fiesta was introduced. The 123-hp version debuted in the North American market Focus in the 2015 model year.
What are the emission levels of the Ford EcoBoost engine?
- The engine complies the Euro-5 and Euro-6 European emission levels. The 999cc engine, the smallest and most advanced Ford EcoBoost engine, was awarded several times in the International Engine of Year Award as the Best Engine Under 1.0 L.
What are Ford EcoBoost engines made of?
- Ford also introduced naturally aspirated versions - the 1.0l Fox engine with direct fuel injection or multi-port fuel injection (PFI). The 1.0 EcoBoost engine has an open-deck design cylinder block made from grey cast iron. Cast iron block is heavier than aluminum ones but reduces the amount of energy needed for warm-up by up to 50%.