Cosa provocano le ischemie?

Cosa provocano le ischemie?
Cosa provoca l'ischemia cerebrale? L'attacco ischemico si verifica in genere quando un coagulo di sangue (trombo), ostruisce una delle arterie che portano il sangue al cervello, interrompendo l'approvvigionamento di ossigeno e nutrimento delle cellule cerebrali dell'area colpita.
What is microvascular ischemic brain disease?
- Microvascular ischemic brain disease is a fancy medical term for saying that you have suffered multiple tiny strokes throughout your brain. This is a common problem in people who have lots of complex medical problems like you do, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
What is white matter microvascular ischemic disease?
- White matter contains nerve fibers that send signals between different parts of the brain. Microvascular ischemic brain disease is a “silent” disease, which means that most people who have it do not experience noticeable symptoms. However, doctors can look for signs of microvascular ischemic disease using brain MRI scans.
Is there a cure for microvascular ischemic disease?
- There is no cure for microvascular ischemic disease and the damage isn’t reversible. You may be sent to physical therapy to deal with the effects on your body. They will also work to bring any other health conditions under control.
Can ischemic changes in the brain cause dementia?
- Usually, the affected area is small that the patient has it unnoticed. Chronic ischemic changes in the brain take some time. Over time, the changes in the neurologic function of the patient gets severe leading to conditions like dementia, memory problems, and neurological issues. (1, 2, 3, 4)