Che vuol dire Navy Seal?

Che vuol dire Navy Seal?
I Navy Seals, acronimo che sta per Sea, Air e Land (mare, aria e terra), sono comunemente note come le forze speciali americane.
What's so special about Navy SEALs?
- What's So Special about Navy Seals? You see Navy Seals in movies and on television, and they're always depicted as inhumanely strong, skilled fighters who are all but undefeatable. Real life Navy Seals are strong, tough and stealthy, and they're winners.
What does it take to be a Navy SEAL?
- In order to be a U.S. Navy SEAL, one must be a native-born or naturalized United States citizen, and must speak, read and write English fluently. Upon enlisting in either the Navy or to be a SEAL, you'll need to pass a secret security clearance.
What are the duties of the US Navy SEALs?
- Some of the responsibilities of a Navy SEAL include: Conducting insertions and extractions by sea, air or land to accomplish covert, Special Warfare / Special Operations missions Capturing high-value enemy personnel and terrorists around the world Collecting information and intelligence through special reconnaissance missions Carrying out small-unit, direct-action missions against military targets
What can you do in the Navy SEALs?
- Navy SEALs perform a number of specialized warfare missions that fall outside the purview of regular military forces, including counterterrorism, guerrilla warfare, special surveillance and foreign national military training.