Come fare per andare a Zermatt?

Come fare per andare a Zermatt?
Poiché a Zermatt non circolano auto, lascia la tua auto in uno dei parcheggi di Täsch. Da lì un viaggio in treno di soli 12 minuti ti separa da Zermatt. Oppure puoi prendere un comodo taxi. Anche dagli aeroporti internazionali di Zurigo-Kloten e Ginevra-Cointrin la ferrovia ti porta in poche ore a destinazione.
Cosa fare a Zermatt in estate?
- Passeggiate, escursioni, arrampicate e alpinismo a più non posso.
- Osservazione di marmotte e camosci nei percorsi escursionistici a tema.
- Sci estivo su 21 km di piste.
- Nuoto nei laghi di montagna, ad esempio nel lago Leisee.
- Mountain bike per principianti e biker esperti.
Why choose cervinis?
- When it comes to high quality styled hoods and body components, Cervinis has been an industry leader for more than 20 years. Our selection of aftermarket auto parts is second to none. If you’re looking for superior car performance parts, look no further than Cervinis.
What is the shipping cost for Cervini's?
- As always with Cervini’s, shipping is absolutely free—no transaction fees, handling fees or hidden fees. Our warranty offers a period of 90 days from the date of purchase for all fiberglass parts, and a lifetime warranty for all urethane parts.
What is Breuil-Cervinia known for?
- Breuil-Cervinia is better known internationally as simply 'Cervinia', the name bestowed on the village and its ski area when the first developments were being planned to transform the original hamlet of Breuil into the major winter-sports resort that it is today.
What is Cervini's auto designs warranty policy?
- For the duration of the warranty, Cervini’s Auto Designs will be completely responsible for replacing or repairing any defective products.