Quante auto vende Maserati?

Quante auto vende Maserati?
Il 2017 si è chiuso con 51.500 vetture Maserati consegnate ai concessionari, in aumento del 22% sull'anno precedente, grazie al contributo dei modelli Quattroporte, Ghibli e Levante. Il target per Maserati inizialmente previsto dal Piano FCA in 75.000 unità vendute nel 2018 è stato ridimensionato a 70.000.
Quante Ghibli sono state vendute?
Vendite Maserati Ghibli in Usa Maserati Ghibli sales in Usa
1.069 5.563 7.100 7.925 |
Why choose Criswell Maserati Germantown?
- As the premiere Maryland Maserati dealership in the Washington DC area, Criswell Maserati invites you to come experience the finest luxury vehicles in the world at our Germantown showroom.
Is Maserati a high-performance car brand?
- Along with their expansion, Maserati started their re-entrance into the high-performance car field, in order to compete with brands such as Mercedes-AMG, BMW M, Porsche, Jaguar, and in certain cases, Ferrari.
What is the relationship between Citroën and Maserati?
- The relationship started as a joint venture, made public in January 1968, in which Maserati would design and manufacture an engine for Citroën's upcoming flagship called SM.
What happened to Maserati and Alfa Romeo?
- The Maserati and Alfa Romeo group, under Fiat Group, started in 2005, when Maserati was split off from Ferrari and partnered with Alfa Romeo. On , the 20,000th Maserati, a Quattroporte V, left the factory. In the second quarter of 2007, Maserati made profit for the first time in 17 years under Fiat ownership.