Come fa la cacca un tetraplegico?
- Come fa la cacca un tetraplegico?
- Quanto si vive con la tetraplegia?
- How does physical therapy for paraplegia recovery work?
- When is artificial ventilation indicated in the treatment of paraplegia?
- What is paraplegia in extension of the spinal cord?
- What is the difference between paraplegia and low-level paralysis?

Come fa la cacca un tetraplegico?
La risposta dell'esperta capiamo la sua difficoltà nell'avere evacuazioni regolari, in quanto la tetraplegia predispone alla stitichezza. E' una problematica dovuta a diversi fattori ma di sicuro un'alimentazione corretta e il giusto introito di liquidi sono la base per costruire la sua regolarità.
Quanto si vive con la tetraplegia?
Sopravvivenza a lungo termine. Tra i sopravvissuti del primo anno, il tasso di sopravvivenza globale a 40 anni dopo l'infortunio per le persone con tetraplegia è del 47% rispetto al 62% per quelli con paraplegia.
How does physical therapy for paraplegia recovery work?
- At physical therapy, a physical therapist will assess your functional abilities, create a personalized exercise plan, and guide you through exercises to maximize your mobility. Depending on the severity of your spinal cord injury, physical therapy for paraplegia recovery will involve different types of exercises.
When is artificial ventilation indicated in the treatment of paraplegia?
- Affected patients must also be artificially ventilated if the spinal cord is interrupted at the level of the fourth cervical vertebra or higher. As a rule, fractures of the spine, usually as a result of an accident, cause paraplegia. Due to this, vertebral bodies move and the spinal cord is squeezed.
What is paraplegia in extension of the spinal cord?
- The paraplegia in this stage is described as (paraplegia in extension) With further progression of the lesion, the extrapyramidal fibers in the cord will be affected. The hypertonia and hyper-reflexia will be more in the flexor group of muscles than in the extensors.
What is the difference between paraplegia and low-level paralysis?
- In terms of the extent of the injury, a distinction is made between: Paraplegia: This corresponds to damage in the thoracic region or below and means paralysis of both legs. This is also referred to as low-level paralysis. The upper extremities remain functional; in most cases, the respiratory muscles are not or only slightly affected.