Come aprire il cofano della Renault Megane?

Come aprire il cofano della Renault Megane?
- Per aprirlo, tirate la levetta 1, disposta nel lato sinistro del cruscotto.
- Per sbloccare, spingete la linguetta 3 mentre sollevate il cofano.
- Sollevate il cofano e accompagnatelo; viene sorretto tramite i due martinetti 2.
Come aprire il cofano bloccato?
Si può intravederlo attraverso la griglia anteriore del radiatore, oppure essere accessibile dal parafango davanti, dal lato del conducente. Bisognerà staccare le clip che tengono in posizione il cavetto di sgancio per avervi l'accesso. A quel punto, tirare il cavo ed aprire il cofano.
What kind of car is a Renault 4L?
- Renault 4. The Renault 4, also known as the 4L (pronounced "Quatrelle" in French), is a hatchback economy car produced by the French automaker Renault between 19. It was the first front-wheel drive family car produced by Renault.
When did the Renault R4 L come out?
- In 1961 French car makers Renault released the Renault R4 L, 'the Quatrelle'. Marketed as an economic estate car, the Renault 4L was Renault’s first front wheel drive family car and was the first mass production hatchback. Available as a van and 3 saloon versions it featured a 747 cc, 26.5-32 hp engine and 3 speed transmission.
How many CC is a Renault 4 Líder?
- Two of the most popular versions included the Master (1,022 cc) and the Líder (Leader), with a more powerful 1,300 cc engine. The first Renault 4 manufactured in Envigado Colombia was called Azul Pastrana, because it was blue and President Misael Pastrana opened the plant.
What is the history of the Renault 4CV?
- In early 1956, Renault Chairman Pierre Dreyfus launched this new project: designing a new model to replace the rear engined 4CV and compete against the Citroën 2CV that would become an everyman's car, capable of satisfying the needs of most consumers. It would be a family car, a woman's car, a farmer's car, or a city car.