Come partecipare ai provini di X Factor?

Come partecipare ai provini di X Factor?
Se ti piacerebbe candidarti e prendere parte alla nuova edizione del programma, ecco quali sono i passaggi da seguire:
- Vai sul sito
- Clicca sul tasto rosso Accedi se sei già in possesso di uno SkyID oppure seleziona la voce Crea Sky ID.
Chi ha vinto Xfactor nel 2017?
Lorenzo Licitra L'edizione è stata vinta da Lorenzo Licitra, concorrente della categoria Over 25 capitanata da Mara Maionchi.
Come iscriversi a XFactor 2022?
il casting e le selezioni di X Factor 2022 Vivi un'esperienza unica nel suo genere e realizza il tuo sogno. Metti alla prova tutto il tuo talento: affronta i giudici di X Factor! Per iscriverti, accedi con il tuo SkyID, oppure crealo subito se non sei ancora registrato, e compila il form.
Who are the presenters of The X Factor 2017?
- The fourteenth series began airing on ITV on 2 September 2017, presented by Dermot O'Leary. For the first time in seven years, the judging panel remained the same as the previous series, with Simon Cowell, Sharon Osbourne, Nicole Scherzinger and Louis Walsh returning.
What does X Factor mean?
- The X Factor is a British television music competition to find new singing talent. The fourteenth series began airing on ITV on 2 September 2017, presented by Dermot O'Leary.
What is the six-chair challenge on The X Factor 2017?
- The six-chair challenge took place over the course of three days, from 26 to 28 July 2017, at The SSE Arena, Wembley. Unlike previous years, where all four judges sat together, each judge was secluded on their own while their respective category performed.
What happened to Simon Dixon on The X Factor?
- On 29 October 2017, Dixon reappeared as a guest judge on the Sunday live show, this time filling in for Cowell, who was absent recovering from an injury during the weekend. On 4 July, it was reported that there would be major changes to the show this year.