Dove trovo la serie I medici?

Dove trovo la serie I medici?
I Medici, che è trasmessa su Rai 1 e anche in HD su Rai 1 HD (canale 501 del digitale terrestre), è disponibile anche in streaming su, il nuovo sito Rai che raccoglie tutti i programmi andati in onda sulle diverse reti: si possono rivedere tutti gli episodi dal primo al sesto e da settimana prossima saranno ...
Who is the producer of the series Medici?
- The series was produced by Italian companies Lux Vide and Rai Fiction, in collaboration with Frank Spotnitz's Big Light Productions. The series premiered in Italy on Rai 1 on 18 October 2016. The series follows the Medici family, bankers of the Pope, during Renaissance Florence.
What is the setting of Medici?
- A political family drama set in Florence in the early fifteenth century. Cosimo de Medici finds himself at the helm of his banking dynasty when his father, Giovanni, dies suddenly.
What is Medici's plan to increase his power?
- Giovanni de' Medici is a rich banker who also represents one of the most important political forces of Florence's Signoria. He has a plan to increase his family power by making an agreement with the Church of Rome.
What is the error code for the play Medici?
- (Error Code: 102630) A political family drama set in Florence in the early fifteenth century. Cosimo de Medici finds himself at the helm of his banking dynasty when his father, Giovanni, dies suddenly. A political family drama set in Florence in the early fifteenth century.