Che tipo di governo c'è in Norvegia?

Che tipo di governo c'è in Norvegia?
Sistema parlamentare Stato unitarioMonarchia costituzionale Norvegia/Governo La politica della Norvegia consiste in una monarchia costituzionale in cui vige un sistema parlamentare di democrazia rappresentativa. Il capo di Stato è il Re, che ha un ruolo politico puramente rappresentativo e simbolico.
Chi è la regina della Norvegia?
Harald V di NorvegiaDal 1991 Norvegia/Re
What is the latest on reopening in Norway?
- The latest measures in Norway On 18 June, Norwegian prime minister Erna Solberg announced the country would move into the third phase of reopening. This allowed for an increase in the number of house guests and bigger public events.
What does Norway's “red countries” status mean for travel?
- Norway categorises European countries as “red” if they are experiencing an increasing level of infections. Arrivals from these “red countries” will have to quarantine for 10 days, essentially ruling out tourism from those countries. You can read the full story here with the official guidelines from FHI available here.
Where can I find more information about the fourth wave in Norway?
- The full rules and recommendations are available on the government website in Norwegian. Since the announcement above, Norway has entered a fourth wave of infections. This has primarily been due to the return of students in university cities such as Trondheim.
When will we be able to live a normal life in Norway?
- Norway’s health minister Bent Høie said we should be able to live a “normal life” by the end of September. However, on 2 September, Norwegian prime minister Erna Solberg confirmed this would not be the case.