Cosa significa il termine fado?

Cosa significa il termine fado?
[dal lat. fatum «fato, destino»]. – Genere di canzone popolare portoghese del sec. 19°, di intonazione triste e nostalgica.
What is Fado in Portugal?
- Lisbon fado is customarily sung by female singers. It is incredibly mournful, soulful and emotive. Coimbra fado originated via the traditions of the University of Coimbra. Usually sung by male performers, the art was thought to be a form of “wooing” of the female students of the university.
What is fado music?
- Fado music is a Portuguese singing performance that is most commonly staged in a cafe, bar or restaurant setting. This being said, today there are actually formal fado theaters in Lisbon where full shows take place nightly. The genre gained quick popularity due to its overwhelmingly expressive and melodic nature.
What is the origin of the word 'fado'?
- The word "fado" possibly comes from the Latin word fatum ("fate", "death" or "utterance" ). The word is linked to the music genre itself, although both meanings are approximately the same in the two languages. Nevertheless, many songs play on the double meaning, such as the Amália Rodrigues song "Com que voz",...
What is Lisbon and Coimbra fado?
- Essentially this just means two different styles: Lisbon and Coimbra. Lisbon fado is rooted in marginality and transgression. This style of fado was popular in the late 18 and early 1900s, and was reflective of the times; heavy reigns of censorship that caused changes to urban entertainment.