Quante basi scientifiche ci sono in Antartide?

Quante basi scientifiche ci sono in Antartide?

Quante basi scientifiche ci sono in Antartide?

Attualmente sono tre le basi permanenti dell'Altopiano Antartico: Amundsen-Scott (statunitense), Vostok (russa) e Concordia (italo-francese).

Quante stazioni ci sono in Antartide?

La regione in cui si trovano più basi è la Penisola Antartica, con le limitrofe Isole Shetland Meridionali, dove sorgono 41 stazioni appartenenti a 17 paesi. La maggior parte è di proprietà di Cile e Argentina, che usano queste costruzioni per perorare la rivendicazione di quel territorio.

Dove si trovano le stazioni scientifiche in Antartide?

Nel sito di Dome C (75°06' Sud e 123°23' Est) situato sul plateau antartico, a oltre 3000 m di altitudine, si trova la Stazione internazionale Concordia. La base dista 1200 km dalla stazione Mario Zucchelli e 1670 km dal Polo Sud geografico.

What is the conconcordia research station?

  • Concordia Research Station, which opened in 2005, is a French–Italian research facility that was built 3,233 m (2.0 mi) above sea level at a location called Dome C on the Antarctic Plateau, Antarctica. It is located 1,100 km (680 mi) inland from the French research station at Dumont D'Urville,...

Where is the closest research station to Antarctica?

  • It is located 1,100 km (680 mi) inland from the French research station at Dumont D'Urville, 1,100 km (680 mi) inland from Australia's Casey Station and 1,200 km (750 mi) inland from the Italian Zucchelli Station at Terra Nova Bay. Russia's Vostok Station is 560 km (350 mi) away.

What happens to Concordia in the winter?

  • The long Antarctic winter is turning to spring at the Franco-Italian Concordia research station, which has resisted the brutal forces of nature about 1200 km inland on top of an icy plateau 3000 m above sea level. During winter, the Sun doesn't rise above the horizon for about three months, and temperatures can drop down to -80°C.

What keeps Kumar busy at Antarctica's mcmurde station?

  • During the brutal cold and permanent darkness of the Antarctic winter, Kumar and the 12 European scientists and staff at the station kept busy and kept up their spirits in a place of haunting, yet potentially deadly beauty. Above, Kumar stands alone on the ice sheet, in the dwindling light that signals the approach of Antarctica's winter season.

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