Cosa si intende per suffragette?

Cosa si intende per suffragette?

Cosa si intende per suffragette?

Con il termine suffragette si indicano le donne appartenenti al movimento di emancipazione femminile nato per ottenere il diritto di voto per le donne (dalla parola suffragio nel suo significato di voto).

In che periodo ci sono le suffragette?

Si definiscono suffragette le donne che parteciparono al movimento per il voto (per il suffragio appunto) femminile durante il 1800. In realtà i primi movimenti per l'uguaglianza delle donne erano già nati durante la rivoluzione francese, quando la parola égalité sembrava dilagare in ogni dove.

Who was the most famous suffragette?

  • Katherine Wilson Sheppard (née Catherine Wilson Malcolm; – ) was the most prominent member of the women's suffrage movement in New Zealand and the country's most famous suffragette.

What did the suffragettes do?

  • Suffragette is a term used for women in in the Suffragette movement in the late 19th century until the early 20th century. Goal and methods of the Suffragettes. Their main goal was to get the right for women to vote in general elections.

What does suffragette mean?

  • Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Suffragette. Suffragettes were members of women's suffrage movements in the late 19th and 20th century, particularly in the United Kingdom and United States. Suffragist is a more general term for members of suffrage movements, whether radical or conservative, male or female.

What was the suffragette movement?

  • The Women's Suffrage Movement . The word "suffragette" was first used to describe women campaigning for the right to vote in an article in a British newspaper in 1906. At the time of Falling Angels, two-thirds of the male population could vote.

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