Quante navi militari possiede l'Italia?

Quante navi militari possiede l'Italia?

Quante navi militari possiede l'Italia?

In totale la flotta operativa si compone di 52 navi, organizzati in 2 gruppi da battaglia con capacità "Blue-water" e almeno 3 gruppi di spedizione anfibia.

Chi produce navi?

Persone chiaveGiampiero Massolo, Presidente Giuseppe Bono, Amministratore delegato
Settoremetalmeccanica cantieristica navale
ProdottiNavi da crociera Navi militari Yacht Roll-on/roll-off Traghetti Portacontainer Piattaforme petrolifere Petroliere Navi Mercantili Portaerei Sottomarini

When was Fincantieri founded?

  • Founded in 1959 as Società Finanziaria Cantieri Navali – Fincantieri S.p.A. as a State financial holding company, part of IRI, the company became a separate entity in 1984. Today Fincantieri is one of Europe's largest shipbuilding groups and the largest in the Mediterranean.

Where to send invoices to Fincantieri?

  • If the e-mail format cannot be used for the sending of invoices, credit notes or pertaining attachments, these are to be issued to FINCANTIERI S.P.A.– VIA GENOVA, 1 TRIESTE and can be sent via traditional post to the following address: Fincantieri – Cantieri Navali Italiani S.p.A. Casella Postale n. 307.

What does the company funfincantieri do?

  • Fincantieri designs and builds merchant vessels, passenger ships, offshore, and naval vessels, and is also active in the conversion and ship repair sectors. The company also owned Grandi Motori Trieste, which constructed marine diesel engines, but this was sold to Wärtsilä in 1999.

Why choose fatfincantieri?

  • Fincantieri is one of the world’s largest shipbuilding groups and number one for diversification and innovation.

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