Come si acquistano i biglietti Flixbus?

Come si acquistano i biglietti Flixbus?
Come funziona e dove acquistare i biglietti
- agenzia viaggi.
- biglietterie delle autostazioni.
- al numero del servizio clienti 0294759 208.
- dall'autista direttamente a bordo del pullman.
- online dal sito o via smartphone tramite l'app o il mobile site.
Qual è l'età minima per viaggiare da soli?
Anche se ogni compagnia aerea ha le sue regole, in linea di massima i bambini dai 5 agli 11 anni di età possono viaggiare senza un adulto in aereo prenotando obbligatoriamente il servizio di accompagnatore. Dai 12 anni (14 per l'Italia) si considerano invece adolescenti e possono volare soli.
What is Flix bus service?
- FlixBus' goal is to provide you a convenient, affordable and easy to use bus service. We always offer the best deals, plus a safe and pleasant travel experience. Low-cost tickets are just a few clicks away on our App or website. Once on board, our partners' experienced drivers will get you safely from A to B while you kick back in comfortable ...
How do I buy a Flixbus ticket?
- Buy your low cost bus tickets online, via our bus app, in one of our FlixBus stores or directly from the bus driver. Your ticket is your guarantee to a comfortable seat on board. Snacks & drinks are also available from our friendly bus drivers along with free Wi-Fi and plug sockets - on each one of our buses!
Why choose Flixbus for intercity bus travel?
- With unbeatable prices, comfortable seats and free Wi-Fi, traveling by bus has never been easier. Whether you want to visit Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Houston, Phoenix or New Orleans, FlixBus provides the intercity bus travel you want, when you want it!
How eco-friendly is Flixbus?
- FlixBus is one of the most eco-friendly ways to travel. Learn more about our sustainability initiatives and carbon offset programs. Choose from over 80 travel destinations in 11 states and growing!