Quando fanno Italia's got talent su Sky?

Quando fanno Italia's got talent su Sky?
Gli stickers di Italia's Got Talent 2021 Una nuova scintillante edizione di Italia's Got Talent inizia mercoledì 27 gennaio alle 21.30 su Tv8: il divertimento è assicurato con la grintosa Lodovica Comello e i nostri quattro fantastici giudici Frank Matano, Mara Maionchi, Federica Pellegrini e Joe Bastianich!
Dove si guarda Italia's Got Talent?
L'attesa è finita, la nuova edizione di Italia's Got Talent (VAI ALLO SPECIALE), il grande show per tutta la famiglia prodotto da Fremantle, in onda in prima visione assoluta su Sky Uno e TV8, tutti i mercoledì alle ore 21.30, è alle porte.
When did Italy's Got Talent start in Italy?
- Italia's Got Talent is the Italian version of the international Got Talent series. The pilot episode was aired on 12 December 2009 on Canale 5 and it was seen by 5.3 million people. After this episode, Mediaset decided to hold on this show with a full-length season. The first season started on with high ratings...
Who are the judges of Italia's Got Talent 2019?
- Italia's Got Talent. No judges from the previous series have been confirmed: the new panel face the arrival of actor Claudio Bisio, actress and comedian Luciana Littizzetto, singer Nina Zilli and YouTube star Frank Matano . Talents are competing for €100,000. The final has been simulcast by Sky Uno and Cielo .
What is Italy's got tental?
- Italia's Got Talent is the Italian version of the international Got Talent series.