Quanti anni ha il cantante dei Jarabe de Palo?

Quanti anni ha il cantante dei Jarabe de Palo?

Quanti anni ha il cantante dei Jarabe de Palo?

53 anni Jarabe de Palo, morto a 53 anni il leader Pau Donés - Musica - ANSA.

Come si chiama il cantante che canta dipende?

Jarabe de Palo Dipende/Artisti Depende è una canzone scritta e cantata dagli Jarabe de Palo, ed estratta dal loro terzo album Depende del 2000.

How did Jarabe de Palo lead singer Pau Donés die?

  • Spanish artist Pau Donés, lead singer of popular rock band Jarabe de Palo, died Tuesday (June 9) in Spain. He was 53 years old. The news was announced on Donés official social media pages with the following message: “The Donés Cirera family reports that Pau Donés died on J, as a result of the cancer he suffered from since August 2015.

What happened to jarjarabe de Palo?

  • Jarabe de Palo, a Latin Grammy-nominated band, had been largely absent from the stage and social media over the past few years — except two sold-out shows the band performed six months ago in Barcelona to raise money for cancer research and the band's 20th anniversary tour in 2018, when Donés announced his official retirement.

What happened to Pau Donés Cirera?

  • “The Donés Cirera family reports that Pau Donés died on J, as a result of the cancer he suffered from since August 2015," the family's Instagram post said in Spanish while also thanking the medical team that helped treat Donés' illness. "We ask for the utmost respect and intimacy in these difficult times.”

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