Dove si fa il test di medicina a Bari?

Dove si fa il test di medicina a Bari?
Medicina e Chirurgia - Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria — Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro.
Quanto costa il corso di Medicina alla Lum?
Il contributo unico è di €9.750/00 (Euro Novemilasettecentocinquanta/00).
Quanto costa laurearsi alla Lum?
La domanda di iscrizione, accompagnata dal versamento della prima rata di €2.250/00 (Euro Duemiladuecentocinquanta/00) e dal versamento della Tassa Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio, dovrà essere perfezionata on-line entro il 12 Settembre 2021.
What is the Bari English medical curriculum?
- The Bari English Medical Curriculum (BEMC) consists of a 6-year medical degreeprogramme at the University of Bari, Italy. The BEMC is offered to EU citizens and to students not residing in the EU. The BEMC has been approved by the School of Medicine in Bari and by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR).
What are the facilities provided by the University of Bari?
- The University of Bari research centres are highly interactive, with links to different departments, universities, and other research centres. The University's facilities include central and departmental libraries, theatres, lecture halls, job placement centres, a press office, counselling centres, and a university chapel.
What is the ERASMUS/LLP program in Bari?
- The Erasmus/LLP program is very active in the Medical field. The School of Medicine in Bari was established in 1924 together with the Faculty of Pharmacy and Law.