Come contattare l EMA?

Come contattare l EMA?
Contatta l'UE
- Telefonaci allo 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11.
- Scegli altre opzioni telefoniche.
- Scrivici - compila il modulo di contatto.
- Vieni a trovarci nell'ufficio dell'UE più vicino.
Chi gestisce EMA?
Agenzia europea per i medicinali.
Chi autorizza i vaccini in Europa?
Tra queste vi sono l'Agenzia europea per i medicinali e altri organismi di regolamentazione dei paesi UE/SEE.
Quali vaccini riconosciuti in Europa?
Portafoglio di vaccini dell'UE
Società | Tipo di vaccino | Numero di dosi (garantite) |
BioNTech e Pfizer | mRNA | 2,4 milioni* |
Moderna | mRNA | 460 milioni |
AstraZeneca | adenovirus | 400 milioni |
Johnson & Johnson/Janssen Pharmaceuticals | adenovirus | 400 milioni |
What is the European Medicines Agency (EMA)?
- The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is a decentralised agency of the European Union (EU) responsible for the scientific evaluation, supervision and safety monitoring of medicines in the EU. EMA is governed by an independent Management Board.
How do I contact EMA in an emergency?
- For more information, see How to find us. Outside of EMA business hours (i.e. Monday to Friday before 08:30 or after 18:00, at weekends or on Agency holidays) you may call the product emergency hotline: +31 (0)88 .
What are the working hours of EMA?
- The EMA switchboard is open Monday to Friday from 07:30 to 18:30, except for Agency holidays. EMA business hours are Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 18:00. For more information, see Business hours and holidays. As of , EMA's working hours follow Central European Time (CET). For more information, see How to find us.
Why did EMA change its organisational structure?
- On , EMA implemented changes to its organisational structure to ensure that it operates as efficiently as possible to deliver high quality outputs for public and animal health.