Come si chiamano i pianeti di Star Wars?

Come si chiamano i pianeti di Star Wars?
Ajan Kloss è un pianeta dell'Orlo Esterno ricoperto da grandi foreste e montagne. Viene selezionato come uno dei possibili mondi atti a ospitare l'Alleanza Ribelle durante la guerra civile galattica, e ne L'ascesa di Skywalker Leila Organa vi trasferisce poi la nuova base della Resistenza.
Come si chiama il padre di Luke Skywalker?
Dart Fener Palpatine Luke Skywalker/Padre
Is Nomi Sunrider a Jedi Master?
- Summary. Nomi Sunrider was a Human female who served as a Jedi Master and later Grand Master of the Jedi Order in the days of the Galactic Republic. Born Nomi Da-Boda, she married Andur Sunrider, who was training to become a Jedi Knight, and eventually gave birth to a baby girl, whom they named Vima.
Who are Nomi and Vima Sunrider?
- Five of the eight arcs featured the characters Nomi and Vima Sunrider, a Jedi Knight and her young daughter. Nomi was a principal character in four arcs, while Vima took center stage as a Jedi apprentice in 1998's Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Redemption.
How did Andur and Nomi have a baby?
- Born Nomi Da-Boda, she married Andur Sunrider, who was training to become a Jedi Knight, and eventually gave birth to a baby girl, whom they named Vima. During a trip to the Stenness system, Andur was ambushed by gang members of Bogga the Hutt, who were after the Adegan crystals carried by Sunrider and her husband.