Come si chiamava San Francesco d'Assisi?

Come si chiamava San Francesco d'Assisi?
Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone Francesco d'Assisi, nato Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone (Assisi, – Assisi, 3 ottobre 1226), è stato un religioso e poeta italiano.
Quando diventa santo San Francesco d'Assisi?
Francesco d'Assisi muore nella sua chiesetta della Porziuncola il 3 ottobre del 1226 a soli 44 anni. Il 16 luglio del 1228 viene dichiarato Santo da Papa Gregorio IX.
What is San Francesco in Assisi?
- San Francesco, Franciscan monastery and church in Assisi, Italy, begun after the canonization in 1228 of St. Francis of Assisi and completed in 1253. The crypt was added in 1818, when the tomb of St. Francis was opened. The lower church is where the saint is buried, and it has frescoes by Giunta Pisano, Cimabue, Giotto,...
What is St Francis of Assisi the patron saint of?
- Catholic saint and founder of the Franciscan Order. Saint Francis of Assisi (Italian: San Francesco d'Assisi, Latin: Sanctus Franciscus Assisiensis), born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone, informally named as Francesco ( – 3 October 1226), was an Italian Catholic friar, deacon and preacher.
What is the history of San Francesco?
- San Francesco, Franciscan monastery and church in Assisi, Italy, begun after the canonization in 1228 of St. Francis of Assisi and completed in 1253. The crypt was added in 1818, when the tomb of St. Francis was opened.
What was the life of Francis of Assisi like?
- The house where Francis of Assisi lived when young. Indulged by his parents, Francis lived the high-spirited life typical of a wealthy young man. As a youth, Francesco became a devotee of troubadours and was fascinated with all things Transalpine. He was handsome, witty, gallant, and delighted in fine clothes.