Qual è la lingua ufficiale in Albania?

Qual è la lingua ufficiale in Albania?
Albanese Albania/Lingue ufficiali
When will the EU open membership talks with Albania?
- On , under the Greek EU Presidency, the Council of the European Union agreed to grant Albania candidate status, which was endorsed by the European Council a few days later. The European Commission recommended that the EU open membership talks with Albania in its November 2016 assessment.
Is Albania a member of the European Union?
- Albania – along with other Western Balkans countries – was identified as a potential candidate for EU membership during the Thessaloniki European Council Search for available translations of the preceding link EN summit in June 2003. In 2009, Albania submitted its formal application for EU membership.
When did Albania become eligible for EU PHARE programme?
- A Trade and Co-operation Agreement between the EU and Albania was signed, and Albania became eligible for funding under the EU Phare programme. 1997. The EU Council of Ministers established political and economic conditionality for the development of bilateral relations between Albania and the EU.
What is the EU accession process for Albania?
- Albania's EU accession is bundled with North Macedonia's EU accession. Albania is given certain pre-conditions for starting the accession negotiations, such as passing reforms in the justice system, a new electoral law, opening trials for corrupt judges and the respect of human rights for its Greek minority.