Cosa mangiare con il Traminer?

Cosa mangiare con il Traminer?

Cosa mangiare con il Traminer?

Il vino si adatta perfettamente al Foie Gras, al Sushi, al prosciutto crudo, al pesce e ai crostacei. Ottimo l'abbinamento con alcune spezie, come lo zenzero, il curry, la curcuma, la cannella. Provatelo anche con la cucina Thai o cinese. Evitate l'abbinamento con piatti piccanti o eccessivamente saporiti.

Come abbinare il vermentino?

Il Vermentino Ligure e Toscano può abbinarsi con antipasti ricchi come fiori di zucca ripieni, carciofi in tegame, melanzane alla genovese e tutti i piatti di pesce e di crostacei, in preparazioni semplici, senza salse elaborate.

Che differenza c'è tra il Traminer e il Gewürztraminer?

Gli acini del Gewürztraminer, a differenza del progenitore Traminer, hanno un colore tendente al rosa e una qualità aromatica molto spiccata: non a caso in tedesco, il termine gewürz significa appunto speziato e, in questo caso specifico, il suo significato più appropriato è aromatico.

Quanto costa una bottiglia di traminer aromatico?

Traminer Aromatico Doc, prezzo € 9,99.

What is Gewürztraminer wine?

  • Gewürztraminer hails from Alsace, located on the border between Germany and France. Gewürztraminer is one of Alsace’s four noble varieties and is often made into varietal wines. Sweetness levels can vary from dry to sweet. Most Gewürztraminer wine is off-dry with just a touch of sweetness.

What is Alsacian Gewürztraminer?

  • Gewürztraminer is one of Alsace’s four noble varieties and is often made into varietal wines. Sweetness levels can vary from dry to sweet. Most Gewürztraminer wine is off-dry with just a touch of sweetness. Alsacian Gewürztraminer accounts for one-quarter of Gewürztraminer grown around the world.

Where is Gewürztraminer grown in Australia?

  • These include Gewürztraminers from the Adelaide Hills, Eden Valley, the island of Tasmania, Clare Valley, Yarra Valley and the vineyards scattered in the Australian Alps. The Macedon Ranges, just north of Melbourne, has a cold climate and volcanic soils, much suited to production of Gewürztraminer.

Does Gewurztraminer go well with Asian food?

  • Some less fastidious producers blend in a bit of Muscat to give overcropped Gewurztraminer a bit more aroma. There was a time when it was accepted wisdom that Gewurztraminer went well with vaguely Asian, vaguely spiced food. But that was when western knowledge of the many hundreds of Asian cuisines was extremely limited.

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