Quanti film ha girato Giuliano Gemma?

Quanti film ha girato Giuliano Gemma?

Quanti film ha girato Giuliano Gemma?

Una delle ultime pellicole alle quali ha partecipato prima di morite è stata To Rome with Love di Woody Allen. In carriera Giuliano Gemma ha girato quasi 80 film e nel 2008 gli è stato assegnato il Nastro d'argento alla carriera.

Quanti anni Giuliano Gemma?

75 anni () Giuliano Gemma/Età al momento della morte

Quanti anni ha che è morto Giuliano Gemma?

Data di Nascita: 2 settembre 1938; Età al decesso: 75 anni; Luogo di Nascita: Roma.

When did Giuliano Gemma die?

  • Giuliano Gemma (2 September 1938 – 1 October 2013) was an Italian actor.

What kind of movies did gene Gemma play in?

  • Gemma played in a variety of movies, including art-house offerings such as Valerio Zurlini 's The Desert of the Tartars ( Il deserto dei tartari) in 1976. The same year, Gemma won a David di Donatello, the Italian equivalent of the Oscar, for his portrayal of Major Matiss in The Desert of Tartars.

What happened to the actor Gemma Corleone?

  • On 1 October 2013, Gemma died following a car accident near Rome. He was taken to a hospital in Civitavecchia and pronounced dead shortly after his arrival. Two other passengers, a man and his son, were also injured in the accident.

Who are Giuliano Gemma's children?

  • The same year, Gemma won a David di Donatello, the Italian equivalent of the Oscar, for his portrayal of Major Matiss in The Desert of Tartars. Gemma also starred in a web comic named "Man Born Again" (2012) by Eclypsed Word. His daughter, Vera Gemma, is also an actress. Giuliano Gemma also worked as a sculptor .

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