Quanti Tomb Raider ci sono per PS4?

Quanti Tomb Raider ci sono per PS4?
La serie videoludica di Tomb Raider conta un totale di dodici capitoli principali di cui l'ultimo, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, rilasciato nel 2018 per PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC, Google Stadia, Mac, Linux e Nintendo Switch.
Quando è uscito Tomb Raider?
Tomb Raider/Date di pubblicazione iniziale
Quando è nata Lara Croft?
14 febbraio 1968 Lara Croft nasce in Inghilterra, ad Abbingdon, il 14 febbraio 1968. Sin dall'età di tre anni, Lara riceve un'istruzione privata dentro le mura di casa, seguita da un precettore, e a undici frequenta l'istituto femminile di Wimbledon.
Who is the actress in Tomb Raider?
- Keeley Hawes is currently the actress who has portrayed Lara in the most games starting in 2006 with Tomb Raider: Legend and in 2014 for Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris.
Who are the characters in Tomb Raider?
- Lara Croft is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the video game franchise Tomb Raider. She is presented as a highly intelligent, athletic, and beautiful English archaeologist who ventures into ancient tombs and hazardous ruins around the world.
What is the story of Tomb Raider?
- The Story of Tomb Raider Legend focuses on Lara 's search for her mother and the sword Excalibur. Notice: Legend is essentially a reboot of the Tomb Raider franchise and makes very few references to any prior games and the storyline is standalone. There are, however, a few "Easter Eggs" referencing the previous games as well as the two feature films.
Who played in Tomb Raider?
- Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (also known as simply Tomb Raider) is a 2001 action-adventure film based on the Tomb Raider video game series featuring the character Lara Croft, portrayed by Angelina Jolie.