Come avere Babbel gratis su PC?

Come avere Babbel gratis su PC?
Tutto quello che devi fare è avviare l'app di Babbel per dispositivi Android o iPhone/iPad o collegarti al sito ufficiale del servizio, scegliere la lingua di tuo interesse e seguire le indicazioni mostrate a schermo per creare il tuo account gratuito.
How much is Babbel app cost?
- Babbel Pricing. Babbel sells subscription memberships for one year ($83.40), six months ($44.70), three months ($26.85), and one month ($12.95). A paid membership gives you unlimited access to the language program you choose on both the website and mobile apps.
Does Babbel cost anything?
- Is Babbel free? Registration with Babbel is completely free of charge and the first lesson in every course is free to try. (Depending on the language you choose, that’s 30-80 free lessons!)
Is Babbel any good?
- First, Babbel stands out as a good sidekick for language learning. If you're serious about learning a new language, you need structure for your studies. Babbel's courses will help you keep order in your learning program. Secondly, Babbel is a good economic choice. Its monthly cost doesn't even equal the price of a single language class with a tutor.
How well does Babbel work?
- Babbel works well as an introduction to a foreign language . Courses range from beginner level to intermediate, but less popular languages only have beginner material. The courses are straightforward and easy to use and can be a great addition to your language learning routine. Babbel's low price tag is also a plus.