Quanto costa prendere il taxi a Milano?

Quanto costa prendere il taxi a Milano?
Tariffa uso convenzionale diurno feriale: € 3,50. diurno festivo: € 5,70. notturno: € 6,80. taxi che partono dagli aeroporti di Malpensa, Linate ed Orio al Serio: è prevista una tariffa minima di € 13,80.
Quanto costa un taxi a Milano Linate?
40 euro La Tariffa Taxi da Milano a linate parte da 40 euro, dipende dalla zona di Milano o provincia di partenza. Prezzo taxi Milano centrale Linate 45 euro inclusa attesa al vostro arrivo.
How can I estimate my taxi fare?
- Estimate your taxi fare anywhere, anytime. With taxi rates and prices for more than 1000 international locations, Taxi Fare Finder is the proven, trusted trip companion for travelers around the world. Our estimates are carefully calibrated based on local taxi rates & actual taxi prices.
How does taxi fare finder work?
- With taxi rates and prices for more than 1000 international locations, Taxi Fare Finder is the proven, trusted trip companion for travelers around the world. Our estimates are carefully calibrated based on local taxi rates & actual taxi prices. TaxiFareFinder's taxi fare estimates are known to be the most accurate of any taxi website.
What are the maximum charges for taxi meters?
- The maximum charges for taxis and private hire cars (PHCs) fitted with taxi meters are detailed below. A sum calculated at the rate of £23.00 per hour. Surcharges 1 to 6 and 9 to 11 apply to all taxis and private hire cars fitted with a meter.