Quanto costa biglietto Cinecittà World?
Quanto costa biglietto Cinecittà World?
€24 se acquistato in cassa. Bambini sotto a 1 metro gratis. 0 gratis!
Quante attrazioni a Cinecittà World?
Cinecittà World è il nuovo Parco a tema del Cinema e della Televisione, fondato da Cinecittà la Fabbrica Italiana del Cinema dal 1937. Il parco conta 40 Attrazioni, 6 Spettacoli al giorno e 7 Aree a Tema. 30 ettari di emozione e suggestione.
Where to watch movies in Rome?
- Cinecitta World, Rome amusement Park. The ultimate movie to theme park experience in Italy Cinecitta, the oldest and biggest production studios in italy opens its door to welcome movie lovers from all-over the world. Visit the set, enjoy film based adventure, try the 40 rides, show and events.
What is Cinecitta World?
- Cinecitta World, Rome amusement Park. The ultimate movie to theme park experience in Italy Cinecitta, the oldest and biggest production studios in italy opens its door to welcome movie lovers from all-over the world.
Where is CCW in Rome?
- CCW is situated west of Rome, we drove, it is just off the Pontina. Signposting on this road is generally awful so just know it is next to the huge McArthurGlen Outlet centre. Parking is E5 per car and well organised. Tickets cost us E23 adult and E15 child as it was a quiet school day.
Why visit Rome for a film tour?
- The site of numerous film festivals, and home to many of the world’s most famous actors, screenwriters, and filmmakers, a visit to Rome is a truly unmissable opportunity for any film fanatic; and nowhere is Rome’s fantastic cultural scene more evident that in its superb cinemas.