Cosa simboleggia il Tondo Doni?

Cosa simboleggia il Tondo Doni?
Il Tondo Doni di Michelangelo raffigura la Sacra Famiglia. San Giuseppe Gesù Bambino e la Madonna sono immersi in un paesaggio all'aperto. In primo piano si intravedono alcune varietà di erbe e fiori descritti in modo minuzioso. Il Santo è seduto dietro la Vergine e sostiene il corpo di Gesù Bambino.
Perché si chiama Tondo Doni?
Il quadro è chiamato Tondo Doni in quanto rotondo (diametro 1,20 metri), come tutti i dipinti destinati alle camere da letto, e perché commissionato da Agnolo Doni, ricco mercante e mecenate fiorentino, per celebrare la nascita di sua figlia.
Where is Michelangelo's Doni Tondo now?
- The Doni Tondo, sometimes called The Holy Family, is the only finished panel painting by the mature Michelangelo to survive. Now in the Uffizi in Florence, Italy, and still in its original frame, the painting was probably commissioned by Agnolo Doni to commemorate his marriage to Maddalena Strozzi,...
When was Michelangelo's tondo painted?
- The work (c. ) is the only painting by Michelangelo in Florence and is considered one of the masterpieces of the XVI century Italian art. During the Renaissance, the “tondo” was a typical work for private clients.
Why is the Tondo Doni so important?
- The Tondo Doni is therefore a very important work of art because it is one of the few examples of Michelangelo’s painting, together with the magnificent frescoes in the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel. You can see the Doni Tondo by Michelangelo in the hall #35 of Michelangelo.
Why did Agnolo Doni paint the Tondo?
- Now in the Uffizi in Florence, Italy, and still in its original frame, the painting was probably commissioned by Agnolo Doni to commemorate his marriage to Maddalena Strozzi, the daughter of a powerful Tuscan family. The painting is in the form of a tondo, or round frame, which is frequently associated during the Renaissance with domestic ideas.