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Come accedere a My Federico?
MyFedericoII è l'area riservata per gli studenti iscritti all'Ateneo. Dopo aver effettuato il login con le credenziali di posta , è possibile: avere informazioni da parte delle segreterie studenti sotto forma di FAQ. utilizzare Myagenda, un'agenda personale dove annotare i propri impegni.
What is University of Naples Federico II known for?
- The University of Naples Federico II (Italian: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) is a university in Naples, Italy. Founded in 1224, it is the oldest public non-sectarian university in the world, and is now organized into 26 departments. It was Europe's first university dedicated to training secular administrative staff,
When did Federico II University change its name?
- However, it was not until 1987 that the university was renamed Federico II, an acknowledgement of its founder.
What can I study at unaples Federico II?
- University of Naples Federico II offers 141 courses in 13 teaching areas (Agriculture, Architecture, Economics, Pharmacy, Law, Engineering, Medicine and Surgery, Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnological Sciences, Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, Political Sciences, Sociology, Humanities).
How does the University of Federico II rank in the world?
- According to the 2016 QS World University Rankings by subject the University of Federico II ranks in the following ranges respectively: 51–100 for civil engineering, 101–150 for mechanical engineering, pharmacy and pharmacology, agriculture and forestry and physics and astronomy, 151–200 for law and legal studies,...