Quanto costa un pacco di HEETS?

Quanto costa un pacco di HEETS?
Un solo pacchetto di HEETS costa 4,80 euro. IQOS ha creato un'alternativa per i fumatori adulti che altrimenti continuerebbero a fumare sigarette e vogliono godere del vero sapore del tabacco senza il fumo o la cenere delle.
Quante HEETS ci sono in un pacco?
Le HEETS sono considerati pacchetti di tabacco contenenti 20 parti di 6,1 grammi di tabacco, quindi fino a 16 pacchetti.
Where to buy IQOS in Atlanta?
- IQOS is now available in the US, you can buy it online, but you have to go to a first physical store in Atlanta. In Europe it is mainly sold by specialized IQOS Coach, you can order a meeting at the Customer Care Center or at the official website, and you can also visit branded outlets in shopping centers.
What is the price of IQOS devices?
- The selling price of IQOS devices is similar in most countries, in the US it costs $ 100, the European price is 99 € . The sales package includes an IQOS device consisting of a charger and a holder, a wall charger and a cleaner. The price of the cartridges varies depending on the usual price of cigarettes in a particular country.
How do you use Marlboro HEETs?
- As mentioned, to use the Marlboro HEETS, you need to insert it into an IQOS. This is an electronic device specially designed to heat tobacco leaves until an inhalable aerosol is produced. This is different from traditional smoking, which requires burning tobacco.
How much does Marlboro heatstick cost?
- Current price in USA is $ 8 for 20 pieces of Marlboro HeatStick, in Germany 6 €, in Eastern Europe it costs approximately 4 €. We were unable to load Disqus.