Come partecipare a The Voice over?

Come partecipare a The Voice over?
Se siete interessati a partecipare al programma di Rai 1, candidatevi per i casting chiamando il numero 0 e seguendo le indicazioni della voce registrata. Per prendere parte alle selezioni occorre avere almeno 60 anni, è questo il solo requisito indispensabile.
Who are the coaches on the voice 2019 season 17?
- Rock icon and pop culture phenomenon Gwen Stefani reclaims her red chair alongside superstar coaches Kelly Clarkson, John Legend and Blake Shelton as they return for Season 17. Carson Daly returns as host.
What are the performances at the Voice finale 2021?
- Kenzie Wheeler - The Voice Finale 2021 Surprise! Happy 10-Year Anniversary, Blake! - The Voice Finale Performances 2021 Jordan Matthew Young Sings Rihanna feat. Mikky Ekko's "Stay" - The Voice Finale Performances 2021 Victor Solomon Sings Beyoncé feat. Kendrick Lamar's "Freedom" - The Voice Finale Performances 2021 Who Will Win the Instant Save?
How do the coaches choose the artists on the voice?
- The coaches hear the artists perform but they don't get to see them, thanks to rotating chairs. If a coach is impressed by the artist's voice, they push a button to select the artist for their team. At this point, the coach's chair will swivel so that they can face the artist they selected.
What are the requirements to audition for the voice?
- The Voice is a four time Emmy Award winning, #1 series on NBC, featuring the nation’s best artists and four of the biggest names in music as coaches. To audition you must be legally present in the United States, be 13 years of age or older, and meet all other eligibility requirements.