Cosa si intende per repubblica islamica?

Cosa si intende per repubblica islamica?
Una repubblica islamica è una forma di governo presente in Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan e Mauritania. ... In questi stati la legislazione è almeno in parte basata sulla legge islamica. In Iran il governo è sottoposto all'autorità degli alti religiosi musulmani sciiti (ayatollah).
Chi è il presidente dell'Iran?
Il presidente resta in carica per quattro anni. L'attuale presidente è Ebrahim Raisi, in carica dal 3 agosto 2021.
What is the legislature of the Islamic Republic of Iran?
- The Legislature of the Islamic Republic of Iran has two parts: the Islamic Consultative Assembly and the Guardian Council. The Articles 62-99 are about the Legislature of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
When did Iran become the Islamic Republic?
- Iran officially became the Islamic Republic on Ap, when Iranians overwhelmingly approved a national referendum to make it so. The initial impact of the Islamic revolution around the world was tremendous.
What is the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran?
- Articles 62-90 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran are about the Islamic Consultative Assembly. In Article 71, it is mentioned that the Islamic Consultative Assembly can establish laws on all matters, within the limits of its competence as laid down in the Constitution.
Who was the leader of Iran during the Islamic Revolution?
- A rapidly modernizing capitalist economy was replaced by a populist and Islamic economy and culture. The leader of the revolution and founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, was the Supreme Leader of Iran until his death in 1989. He was followed by Ali Khamenei