Quando termina il Salone del Mobile?

Quando termina il Salone del Mobile?
Il Salone del Mobile 2021 ha inaugurato il 5 settembre 2021 alla Fiera Milano, Rho, e si svolgerà fino al 10 settembre 2021.
Quando fanno il Salone del Mobile a Milano?
Date e orari. Il Salone del Mobile è aperto agli operatori di settore e al pubblico dal 5 al 10 settembre da domenica 5 a giovedì 9 settembre dalle 10 alle 19 e venerdì 10 settembre, dalle 10 alle 16.
When will the next Salone del Mobile be held?
- See you next April at the 60th edition of the Salone del Mobile.Milano, April 5-10, 2022
When is Milan's Salone del Mobile 2018?
- Organisers of Milan's Salone del Mobile have confirmed that the furniture fair will take place in September, ending speculation that the event would be cancelled or moved to a smaller venue. The fair will be held as planned from 5 to 10 September at its regular venue, the Fiera Milano exhibition centre outside the city.
What is Salone del Mobile and Fuorisalone?
- Here, we guide you through all there is to know about Salone del Mobile and Fuorisalone. Salone del Mobile 2021 is dubbed ‘Supersalone’: an event ‘led by innovation and uniqueness’, curated by Boeri in collaboration with a team of internationally acclaimed architects and design professionals.