Che sintomi hai con la polmonite?

Che sintomi hai con la polmonite?
Le persone con la polmonite hanno spesso tosse, febbre o brividi, difficoltà a respirare, stanchezza e inappetenza. A volte si può avere nausea, diarrea, e/o dolore toracico. Si può avere una polmonite senza tosse o febbre. I sintomi si possono manifestare subito o potrebbero peggiorare lentamente nel tempo.
Dove si localizza il dolore al polmone?
Dolore toracico: il tumore al polmone può portare a dolore in sede toracica, talvolta tale sintomo può irradiarsi alle spalle o al rachide, posteriormente. Spesso costante, ma può anche essere intermittente; dopo un'adeguata terapia antinfiammatoria o antalgica residua nel tempo.
What is the meaning of Pulmonata?
- Pulmonata, or "pulmonates", is an informal group (previously an order, and before that a subclass) of snails and slugs characterized by the ability to breathe air, by virtue of having a pallial lung instead of a gill, or gills. The group includes many land and freshwater families, and several marine families.
What is a pulmonate snail?
- Pulmonata, or "pulmonates", is an informal group (previously an order, and before that a subclass) of snails and slugs characterized by the ability to breathe air, by virtue of having a pallial lung instead of a gill, or gills.
What is the taxon name for the class Pulmonata?
- Pulmonata. Pulmonata, or "pulmonates", is an informal group (previously an order, and before that a subclass) of snails and slugs characterized by the ability to breathe air, by virtue of having a pallial lung instead of a gill, or gills. The group includes many land and freshwater families, and several marine families. The taxon...
What is the meaning of pneumonitis?
- [noo″mo-ni´tis] inflammation of the lung; see also pneumonia. hypersensitivity pneumonitis a respiratory hypersensitivity reaction to repeated inhalation of organic particles, usually in an occupational setting, with onset a few hours after exposure to the allergen.