Come sapere se posso entrare in Area C?

Come sapere se posso entrare in Area C?
Ricerca della classe del veicolo per l'ingresso in AreaC La ricerca dei dati del veicolo viene effettuata nella banca dati della Motorizzazione Civile (MCTC) Italiana. (inserire la targa senza spazi e premere il pulsante RICERCA). E' necessario inserire un numero di targa.
Where is Milan located?
- The Milan metropolitan area as seen from the International Space Station (North roughly on the top side) The Milan metropolitan area, also known as Grande Milano ("Greater Milan"), is the largest metropolitan area in Italy and the 54th largest in the world. It is the largest transnational metropolitan area in the EU.
What do the Milan Area C traffic lights mean?
- Vehicles entering Milan Area C during the day. in light blue: during average working day except Thursdays; in dark blue: during average Thursday (Area C charge limited to 6 pm); in red: during a working day with Area C not operational (due to a strike); in green: average during Area C (including Thursdays).
How much has traffic reduced in Milan in 2012?
- The total traffic reduction in the Milan area was about 7%. By 30 September 2012, Area C had been operating for a total of 140 days (since 16 January). During this period there was a decrease of 32.8% in vehicles entering the area, compared to 2011.
When was the area C program introduced?
- It was introduced on 16 January 2012 as a 18-month pilot program, replacing Ecopass. Area C was definitively approved as a permanent program on , in advance of the expiration of the experimental period.