Come combattere la cirrosi?

Come combattere la cirrosi?
Terapia. Attualmente, la cirrosi non può essere curata. Per questo motivo si cerca di rallentarne il più possibile lo sviluppo, individuando la causa che l'ha provocata e tentando di controllarla tramite farmaci adatti.
Cosa provoca la fibrosi polmonare?
Quali sono le cause della fibrosi polmonare? La fibrosi polmonare può essere secondaria all'esposizione di sostanze tossiche presenti nell'aria come le polveri di silicio, fibre di asbesto, o a radiazioni, chemioterapici, farmaci come gli anti-aritmici e alcuni antibiotici.
How is cirrhosis typically diagnosed?
- Diagnosis. Doctors diagnose cirrhosis based on your medical history, a physical exam, and the results of tests. Tests include blood tests such as liver function tests and tests for viral infections, imaging tests, and liver biopsy.
What are the signs of dying from cirrhosis of the liver?
- Some of the more common symptoms and signs of cirrhosis include: Yellowing of the skin (jaundice) due to the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood Fatigue Weakness Loss of appetite Itching Easy bruising from decreased production of blood clotting factors by the diseased liver.
What are possible complications of cirrhosis?
- High blood pressure in the veins that supply the liver (portal hypertension). ...
- Swelling in the legs and abdomen. ...
- Enlargement of the spleen (splenomegaly). ...
- Bleeding. ...
- Infections. ...
- Malnutrition. ...
- Buildup of toxins in the brain (hepatic encephalopathy). ...
- Jaundice. ...
- Bone disease. ...
- Increased risk of liver cancer. ...
What causes Stage 4 liver disease?
- Stage 4 liver disease means that your liver has sustained significant damage -- scarring known as cirrhosis. Very important in your current condition that you abstain from all alcohol completely. What is "available" as opposed to what "works" are, unfortunately, not synonymous.