Cosa fa un uomo emofiliaco?
Cosa fa un uomo emofiliaco?
L'INDIVIDUO EMOFILICO Nell'individuo affetto da emofilia, la coagulazione è deficitaria e non blocca, con la stessa efficienza e rapidità, la perdita di sangue. Pertanto, un taglio, anche quando è di lieve entità, determina un'emorragia prolungata, con effetti talvolta gravi.
Dove si manifesta l emofilia?
Sintomi e diagnosi L'emofilia provoca emorragie a livello delle articolazioni (ginocchio, gomito e caviglia), che si manifestano con gonfiore e dolore delle articolazioni, dei muscoli e di altri tessuti molli (collo, lingua, tratto gastrointestinale).
How do you diagnose hemophilia?
- Hemophilia is diagnosed with blood tests to determine if clotting factors are missing or at low levels, and which ones are causing the problem. If you have a family history of hemophilia, it is important that your doctors know the clotting factor your relatives are missing. You will probably be missing the same one.
How serious is hemophilia?
- Bleeding in the brain, a very serious complication of hemophilia, requires emergency treatment. The main symptoms of hemophilia are excessive bleeding and easy bruising. Blood tests can tell if you have it. The main treatment is injecting the missing clotting factor into the bloodstream.
What is the cure for hemophilia?
- There is no way to cure hemophilia, but there are ways to reduce the risk of excessive bleeding and to protect joints. As preventive treatment, a patient may receive regular injections of an engineered version of clotting factor VIII for hemophilia A, or IX for hemophilia B.