Quanti anni ha Camilla di Violetta?

Quanti anni ha Camilla di Violetta?

Quanti anni ha Camilla di Violetta?

María Saramego (solo menzionata) è la madre di Violetta. Era una cantante famosa che aveva studiato allo Studio 21. Morì in un tragico incidente aereo quando Violetta aveva solo cinque anni.

Perché Thomas ha lasciato Violetta?

Violetta ha significato moltissimo per me e considero il telefilm come un passaggio importante nella mia vita. Mi mancano la routine del set, i miei colleghi e i miei amici. Era un bellissimo ambiente di lavoro e devo tanto a questa serie perché mi ha fatto diventare quello che sono oggi e ho imparato tantissime cose.

Is there a Violetta En Vivo movie?

  • Shot during Violetta en vivo's residency at the Gran Rex theatre in Buenos Aires. A film titled Violetta: La emoción del concierto (also known as Violetta en vivo and Violetta en concierto) was shown in cinemas and released on DVD internationally, showing the concert and backstage scenes from Milan.

What happened to Violetta?

  • A girl Violetta returned home after living in Europe for a while. She is living with her father because her mom died. As she is back in her home town. She learns about music, friendship, and her dad as well. She how Violetta goes through go/bad life. Stick around see how her adventure goes.

When did the movie Violetta come out?

  • This version of the film was originally released in Italy on Ap. Violetta is over and the cast looks back to how their life has changed and how many fans they have. The film also includes songs and behind the scenes footage from the Violetta Live 2015 International Tour in Montpellier, France.

What happens to Tomas and Violetta in Studio 21?

  • Violetta shows up at her birthday party in her mother's dress. The next day, Violetta orders food, hoping that Tomas will deliver it. However, Herman sees him and scares him off. Tomas then goes to deliver food to Studio 21. Violetta seas Ludmila and Tomas together and gets upset.

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