Come viene fatto il caciocavallo podolico?

Come viene fatto il caciocavallo podolico?

Come viene fatto il caciocavallo podolico?

Per caciocavallo podolico s'intende quella particolare varietà di caciocavallo prodotta esclusivamente con il latte delle vacche Podoliche, alla maniera tradizionale e solo in certi periodi dell'anno. Questa razza bovina viene allevata in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise e Puglia.

Quanto costa caciocavallo?

Confronta 21 offerte per Caciocavallo a partire da 2,98 €

Dove si produce il Provolone del Monaco?

Monti Lattari Il “Provolone del Monaco DOP” è un formaggio semiduro a pasta filata, stagionato, prodotto nell'area della Penisola Sorrentina – Monti Lattari, esclusivamente con latte crudo.

What is Caciocavallo Podolico?

  • Shaped like a small gourd, flask or pear, Caciocavallo Podolico Cheese is defined by a small ball on top of it, forming a neck between it and the bigger body. It is the best cheese produced in the south of Italy that is why it is in high demand around the world.

What is caciocavallo cheese made from?

  • This cheese is made from organic raw Podolico Cow milk and aged 4-15 months. The cheese also contains salt and rennet. This Caciocavallo was entered into the 2012 Gambero Rosso Formaggi i migliori d'Italia 2012 and won for: Made by Carmelina Colantuono; referred to in Italy as the “Last Cow Girl”.

What to eat with Caciocavallo Podolico cheese?

  • If you enjoy Italian cured meat, you can easily pair Caciocavallo Podolico Cheese with it. Don’t just eat it alone; enjoy it alongside a cup of full-bodied red or white wine.

What is Podolico cheese?

  • The term “ podolico ” refers to the fact that this cheese is entirely made from the milk of the valuable bovine species called “podolica”, with its characteristic grey colour and large horns. The species is bred on the Apennines, in the regions of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise and Apulia.

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