Cosa rappresenta per gli indiani il Taj Mahal?

Cosa rappresenta per gli indiani il Taj Mahal?
Il Tāj Maḥal è un mausoleo situato ad Agra, nell'India settentrionale (stato di Uttar Pradesh), costruito nel 1632 dall'imperatore moghul Shāh Jahān in memoria dell'amatissima moglie Arjumand Banu Begum, meglio conosciuta come Mumtāz Maḥal.
Quando fu costruito il Taj Mahal?
1631 Taj Mahal/Costruzione iniziata
Chi ha fatto Taj Mahal?
Ustad Ahmad Lahauri Taj Mahal/Architetti
Chi ha fatto costruire il Taj Mahal?
Ustad Ahmad Lahauri Taj Mahal/Architetti
What makes Taj Mahal so unique?
- Uniqueness Of Taj Mahal | What Makes Carving on the Taj Mahal So Unique? About. Standing tall as a witness of Shah Jahan's love for Mumtaz Mahal, Taj Mahal is not only one of the seven wonders of the world; it also a metaphor ... Meaning of Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal literally translates to the " Crown of the Palace ", is the resting place of fifth Mughal emperor of India, Shah Jahan and his ... The dimensions and facts. ...
What is the real story of Taj Mahal?
- The Real Story Of Tajmahal. "The Moghul Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal built the Taj Mahal. It was built in 22 years (16) by 20,000 artisans brought to India from all over the world! . Many people believe Ustad Isa of Iran designed it.".
Why is the Taj Mahal so popular?
- Taj Mahal is considered to be a very famous tourist destination because it depicts history and culture . It is a standing example of the history which existed and the guides will be present all the time over there to tell you the existence of this great tourism place.
Why is Taj Mahal a symbol of Love?
- The story of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz is indeed a story of eternal love, and Taj Mahal is a symbol of love. However, another legend states that Taj Mahal was actually a Hindu temple of Shiva named ‘Tejo Mahalaya’ which was seized by Shah Jahan and renamed as Taj Mahal.