Come accedere al conto Postepay Evolution online?
- Come accedere al conto Postepay Evolution online?
- Che tipo di carta e Postepay Evolution?
- What is Postepay evolution and how does it work?
- How many postpostepay Evolution cards are now in use?
- Can I make international transfers with my Postepay evolution business card?
- How does Postepay work for online consumers?

Come accedere al conto Postepay Evolution online?
Accedere a Postepay online Per procedere da PC, ti basta semplicemente collegarti al portale ufficiale di Postepay e premere sulla voce AREA PERSONALE presente in alto a destra. Dopodiché, inserisci nome utente e password legati al tuo account e pigia sul pulsante ACCEDI.
Che tipo di carta e Postepay Evolution?
La Carta Postepay Evolution è un tipo di carta definita avanzata a causa del fatto che possiede un codice IBAN proprio. Questo tipo di carte sono particolarmente apprezzate da chi, per esempio, voglia ricevere l'accredito dello stipendio senza necessariamente dover sostenere le spese di gestione di un conto corrente.
What is Postepay evolution and how does it work?
- Postepay Evolution. Customers can arrange to receive their salary or pension directly to this card using IBAN. It is also suitable for wire transfers and paying bills. The annual fee is €12.
How many postpostepay Evolution cards are now in use?
- Postepay Evolution, the personal prepaid and reloadable card with an IBAN now stands at 7.2 million cards now in use.
Can I make international transfers with my Postepay evolution business card?
- Its business version also makes international transfers possible. A physical POS, a Mobile POS or the Postepay Code service can be linked to the Postepay Evolution Business card. Both versions are Mastercard-branded.
How does Postepay work for online consumers?
- When an online consumer makes a payment in your webshop, funds are immediately deducted from the card. Your online consumers do not need a bank account to have a PostePay card. The card has to be purchased and subsequently registered online before use, afterwards the online consumer can reload the card and make online payments.