Chi ha assorbito la Banca Popolare di Vicenza?

Chi ha assorbito la Banca Popolare di Vicenza?

Chi ha assorbito la Banca Popolare di Vicenza?

Il 21 giugno 2017 Intesa San Paolo ha acquistato a 1 euro Banca Popolare di Vicenza e Veneto Banca senza farsi carico dei crediti deteriorati.

Quando indennizzo FIR?

Gli indennizzi verranno corrisposti con bonifico bancario o postale secondo i piani di riparto approvati dalla Commissione tecnica nominata dal MEF, entro i limiti della dotazione finanziaria del Fondo e fino all'esaurimento delle risorse disponibili.

What happened to Veneto and Banca Popolare di Vicenza?

  • On , following the decision taken by the European Central Bank to declare Banca Popolare di Vicenza S.p.A. and Veneto Banca S.p.A. ‘failing or likely to fail’, the Single Resolution Board decided that resolution action is not warranted for these banks.

What is the name of the first cooperative bank in Veneto?

  • Banca Popolare di Vicenza was the first cooperative bank in Veneto region. The bank was also known as Banca Popolare Vicentina.

What happened to Veneto's banks?

  • Both banks were known for their good business relationships with local economic actors in Veneto. However, in 2017 the two banks went bankrupt and were sold to Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo for 1 euro. This paper studies how and why two apparently solid banks failed in just a few years.

How many branches does BP VI have in Italy?

  • The bank had 193 branches in Veneto, 67 in Lombardy, 61 in Tuscany and 50 in Friuli—Venezia Giulia as its core region. Through Banca Nuova, BPVi also had 81 branches in southern Italy (Sicily and Calabria). The bank, according to 2015 annual report, was owned by the public of more than 100,000 natural person (88.5%).

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