Come è un panda?

Come è un panda?

Come è un panda?

Le caratteristiche del panda includono dei segni particolari tipici di questa specie: la pelliccia è bianca e nera ed è molto folta al fine di proteggere l'animale dalle basse temperature delle foreste. La coda è di colore bianco mentre la pelliccia nera circonda gli occhi e si trova anche sulle orecchie e sul dorso.

Quanta cacca fa un panda?

Sarà per questo che fa una quantità di pupù da record: fino 30 kg in una sola giornata!

What does Cibo look like in bio-electric?

  • Cibo as the Head Scientist of Bio-Electric. Centuries before the main storyline, when Cibo still worked as the head scientist at Bio-Electric, she was a tall, slim human woman with short black hair. She wore a black skinsuit with a bulky collar and a utility belt that housed her various tools and instruments.

What happened to Cibo in the Net Terminal?

  • Once found and resurrected by Killy, she becomes his sole true ally in his quest to find the Net Terminal Gene. Cibo's appearance changes multiple times throughout the story, as she transfers her consciousness into new bodies or suffers fatal injuries that force her to change her appearance.

What's the deal with the alternate version of Cibo?

  • This alternate version has an advanced cybernetic suit capable of flight. She helps him and the original Cibo stop Toha Heavy Industries' gravity furnace and return to their original timeline, although she is killed by a newer model Cyborg.

What did Cibo look like in the olden days?

  • Centuries before the main storyline, when Cibo still worked as the head scientist at Bio-Electric, she was a tall, slim human woman with short black hair. She wore a black skinsuit with a bulky collar and a utility belt that housed her various tools and instruments.

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