Che differenza c'è tra benzina e diesel?

Che differenza c'è tra benzina e diesel?
La differenza principale fra benzina e diesel è nel modo in cui avviene la combustione: la miscela aria/benzina infatti si accende – è l'esplosione a far muovere i cilindri – tramite una scintilla, prodotta dalla candela, mentre la miscela aria/gasolio si accende in seguito alla compressione da parte del pistone.
Perché il gasolio si chiama diesel?
La parola gasolio deriva dall'inglese gasoil (cfr. anche il francese gazole) composta a sua volta da gas (stesso significato dell'italiano, ma anche, gergalmente, "benzina") e oil ("olio"). La parola in inglese moderno è desueta e si preferisce usare Diesel fuel o Diesel oil, ovvero "combustibile per Diesel".
What is the difference between fuel oil and diesel fuel?
- The combustion efficiencies of diesel, fuel oil and bunker fuel are one of the biggest differences. And, combustion efficiency is a property of the hydrocarbons. The biggest difference between diesel and fuel oil are the hydrocarbon sizes within each, not the hydrocarbon classes.
What is a Diesel cycle?
- A diesel cycle is an ideal-engine cycle during which the working substance successively undergoes adiabatic compression, constant-pressure heating, adiabatic expansion, and then constant-volume cooling. Diesel cycle is similar to Otto cycle except in the fact that it has one constant pressure process instead of a constant volume process.
What is the difference between number 1 diesel and 2 diesel?
- So, in the winter months, #1 diesel will work better in engines because it won't end up too thick. On the other hand, in hot weather, #1 diesel may become too thin which can also be a problem for engines. In that case, #2 diesel may work better because it will maintain some of its viscosity. Other Properties of #1 Diesel
What is the chemical formula for diesel fuel?
- The average chemical formula for common diesel fuel is C12H24, ranging approximately from C10H20 to C15H28.” Saturated versus unsaturated hydrocarbons is one difference between light and heavy fossil fuels. But, there are also differences between fossil fuels because of the difference between hydrocarbons in those two categories.