Chi è il proprietario di Open Fiber?

Chi è il proprietario di Open Fiber?
Enel Open Fiber/Fondatori
Come portare la fibra in appartamento?
- fissarvi un appuntamento con un tecnico per l'installazione della fibra.
- consegnare e configurare il modem necessario all'utilizzo del servizio.
- collegare e portare cavo fibra ottica in casa vostra, installando e predisponendo tutti gli apparati necessari.
- attivare la linea ed i servizi acquistati.
Quanti dipendenti ha Open Fiber?
La nostra mission, come operatore wholesale only, è costruire l'autostrada digitale del futuro. Per farlo, valorizziamo le nostre persone e ci ispiriamo ai nostri quattro valori: Essere pionieri, Verso l'eccellenza, Oltre le aspettative, Persone e Team. A oggi contiamo circa 1300 dipendenti in 21 sedi.
Who owns Enel's OpEn Fiber?
- REUTERS/Flavio Lo Scalzo MILAN, April 30 (Reuters) - Italian utility Enel (ENEI.MI) on Friday agreed to sell its holding in Open Fiber, handing control of the broadband network firm to state lender Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) and bringing in Australian fund Macquarie as owner of a 40% stake.
What does Enel's sale of Open Fiber mean for CDP?
- Enel said the sale of its stake in Open Fiber entailed an injection of 194 million euros into the company, of which Enel would contribute 97 million. In announcing its offer earlier on Friday, CDP had said it was committed to bringing in "new resources" before the closing of the deal to help speed up broadband network development.
Who owns Open Fiber in Italy?
- State-controlled Enel and CDP had until now shared ownership of Open Fiber, which had been set up to roll out fibre optic cables to close Italy's digital divide with the rest of Europe.
What is the consideration for the sale of 10% of Open Fiber?
- The contract relating to the sale of 10% of Open Fiber share capital to CDP Equity S.p.A. ("CDPE"), in turn, involves a consideration of 530 million euros and includes the transfer to CDPE of 20% of the Enel portion of the shareholders' loan granted to Open Fiber, including accrued interest.