Quando nasce Antitrust?

Quando nasce Antitrust?
Da 130 anni, l'economia statunitense è protetta dallo Sherman Antitrust Act. La legge fu emanata dal Congresso sotto la presidenza di Benjamin Harrison nel 1890 e ha l'obiettivo di limitare la concentrazione di potere che interferisce con il corretto funzionamento concorrenziale del mercato.
Cosa regolamenta la normativa antitrust?
Diritto. La legislazione antitrust è il complesso delle norme che regolamentano e limitano la concentrazione del potere economico per salvaguardare la libera concorrenza delle imprese nel mercato.
What is the definition of antitrust?
- Definition of antitrust. : of, relating to, or being legislation against or opposition to trusts or combinations; specifically : consisting of laws to protect trade and commerce from unlawful restraints and monopolies or unfair business practices.
What are antitrust activities?
- Antitrust activities are illegal activities that unfairly reduce competition, such as price-fixing, monopolies, and restraint of trade.
What are the antitrust laws?
- Antitrust laws are the laws that apply to virtually all industries and to every level of business, including manufacturing, transportation, distribution and marketing. They prohibit a variety of practices that restrain trade.
Why is antitrust called antitrust?
- Antitrust law is the law of competition. Why then is it called "antitrust"? The answer is that these laws were originally established to check the abuses threatened or imposed by the immense "trusts" that emerged in the late 19th Century.